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Basic knowledge of fire resistive cables

Article source:http://www.trcables.com   author:上海嗨润   Release time:2017-06-08 15:49   Browse times:second

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  Fire retardant wires and cables are the general term for cable products with fire resistance. In general, they can be divided into two categories: flame retardant cables and fire-resistant cables. From the point of fire safety and fire rescue, fire performance of cable for more and more, for example: the types of products: flame retardant cable can block and delay the rate of fire spread, the fire will not expand. Fire resistance: in the case of flame combustion, can maintain normal operation in a certain period of time, that is, to maintain the integrity of the original line. Halogen free: the material that makes up the wire contains no halogen, and its combustion products are less corrosive. Low halogen: the material that makes up the cable may contain halogens, but the content will be low. Low smoke: when the wire and cable are burned, the smoke and dust produced will be less, that is to say, the transmittance will be higher. Low toxicity: when the cable material is burned, the gas produced will be less toxic. The research and development of flame retardant and refractory cables in China started in 1982. After five years, in 1987, many cable manufacturers have begun production and approved for users. At that time, the combustion characteristics of the naming and cable models also in the chaotic situation, there is the combustion characteristics of wire and cable test method in combustion corresponding to the classification of fireproof wire and cable products, with Chinese Pinyin as the first letter to the corresponding prefix setting common cable types of use. Among them, flame retardant wire and cable type ZR and fire-resistant cable type NH has been used today. With the development of the fire line in the process of continuous development, many of the original models are no longer in use. In addition to production of the manufacturers are also more and more, in the formulation of enterprise standards, but also on the cable types of products each one takes what he needs, it also caused a new chaos. At present, the most prominent point is that the wire and cable combustion and characteristics are the same, but its name and model are different. Both the industry and users are demanding changes in the status quo and want to unify the cable models. To this end, Xiao Bian can be given fire-resistant wire and cable model preparation methods for everyone in the preparation of enterprise standards or industry standards for reference. The compiling principle of fireproof wire cable type: (1) a model to be corresponding to a combustion characteristics, a corresponding test method and specific indicators can carry out the assessment, and represented by the first letter of Chinese phonetic alphabet, as simple as possible; (2) fire model to be used for cable prefix before common wire type of cable code; (3) the combustion characteristics of natural common cable, not for other models; (4) shall have allowed room for days after the development of.